Category Archives: Public Health

Child Development and Public Health: Immunizations

When researching the different ways public health affects childhood development, I chose to specifically focus on immunizations. I find immunizations to be crucial for proper and healthy development of a child. If a child is exposed to a harmful disease that could leave lifelong complications, his development could be largely impacted. With the simple routine measures of immunizations, we are actually helping to promote healthy development. In addition, I also find immunizations to be imperative for children with special needs. Whether the special needs are mild or severe, if a child catches a disease, like whooping cough, it could be deadly. By ensuring that these special children as vaccinated, we could be preventing death for them. Finally, this topic is meanigful to me, because I am a mother. Since my son has received all of his vaccines, I don’t have to fear contagious diseases. However, I couldn’t imagine watching my son enduring a painful disease, knowing that it could have been prevented through a vaccine. Knowing that immunizations are available is meaningful to me because it provides ways that I can take to make sure my son is protected and has the best chance of development that won’t be affected by contagious or deadly diseases. This is also meaningful to me as a professional because I can educate parents about the important need to vaccinate and advocate for children to receive all childhood immunizations. Through knowing this knowledge about immunizations, I feel like I have found my voice to ensure that all children are receiving these life-saving vaccines to help them reach their fullest potential.

After comparing information of immunizations in the US and Africa, I am able to see how blessed and fortunate we are living in America. Our children have the opportunity to receive these vaccines that will help prevent major diseases and promote healthy development. So many children in Africa don’t yet have this opportunity and are unfortunately suffering from this deficit. It also encourages me to become a stronger advocate for children worldwide to receive immunization opportunities. If all children in Africa were to receive the vaccines the children in US received, we would see a lower rate in mortality and childhood diseases, with an increase in childhood lifespan.

Knowing this amount of information about immunizations impacts my work as a professional. I am know aware of the consequences that the lack of vaccines has. If I encounter a child that has these side effects, I will be able to know how to better serve him and his family. I will be able to provide appropriate resources and services for the child and family. Through working in collaboration with the family, we can ensure that the child will be encouraged to reach his fullest potential, despite from effects from a preventable disease. In addition, I also know how to better advocate about childhood immunizations. I can help parents remained informed about the importance of vaccines and arrange for assistance, if needed, to ensure their child receives all of the childhood immunizations. I could also enforce a general policy that all children within my care are up-to-date with their vaccines to make sure all children are protected. Through knowing more about immunizations, my opinion as a parent and a professional has been impacted. I am inspired to advocate for all children, irregardless of race, SES status, or ability, to receive their vaccines, so they can aim for the best in life.


Posted by on September 15, 2012 in Public Health, Week 2